Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Today question...

Why do you want to use flowchart in your mobile interface design & screen interface design? How will it help your users to meet the interactive goals?

I think flowchart is a graphic or symbol that represent a process. It got different shape to
represent it fuction. For example, oval shape represent "start" and "end", diamond shape represent "decision", it kinda will ask the question to continue on the next process. Usually the diamond shape will have 2 decision, either true or false. Next, is rectangle. If i remember correctly, it seem to be process symbol, use for multiply or calculating or something...

It linked together to work as a complete process. So I think it will be very useful for my mobile and screen interface design, since it will be more easily to see and work on. As you can see, it have a "start", base on this, we can easily put the other process to reach an "end" and the mistake will be minimize as well.

The flowchart just like mind map, it easy to understand and use. It can easily interact with the users since there a "question" and "decision" to make. Different "dicision" will lead to different outcome. But since it mobile and screen interface design, the "ending" normally will be the same.
The users can easily understand the design and the outcome of it.


  1. Good summary, ^_^!

    Question time! What kinds of mistakes will be reduced when you use a flowchart?

  2. you might rewrite what you write before, and the mindmaps might look messy too. flowchart kinda neat...well, some is ^^

  3. Just as well, mind-maps can be neat too. What if Microsoft made a program to create mind-maps, just like the SmartDraw? d:

    "But since it mobile and screen interface design, the "ending" normally will be the same."
    Just because they are mobile and screen interface designs, they will normally have the same ending?

  4. Im thinking of like the "sent message" you can sent text or mms and it kinda end up same as "sent" as ending.

    about mind maps, it will branch out when you have new ideas about somethings, so it might not be as neat as flowchart
